Wednesday, July 27, 2005

High brow / Low brow

Ok, Two very different but entertaining time wasters/online activities.

The first one probably couldn`t get any higher browed.
it goes by the name of "Planarity" and would be well placed in a mensa exam.
have a go here

If the instructions baffle you, then i`m sure you aint alone.
You gotta worry about people who use the word "vertices".
Any way move the dots so the black lines dont cross.

The second one is a little less taxing.
Its the now famous "south park studio" in which you can create your own south park characters or give yourself a south park make over

click her to have a go

In the news

Foul-Mouthed Parrot is a social embarrassment!

Read on here

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Can i get an amen ?

A critical analysis of probably the most widely sampled drum break in electronica`s history.

From NWA to the backbone beat of drum and bass to Squarepusher to Jeep adverts and beyond.
This documentary charts the path of 6 seconds of pure soul rhythm taken from the Winston`s 1969 b-side amen brother.

And questions the legality of ownership, copyright and its relationship with cultural expression.

an i get an amen ? by Nate Harrison

Terrorist attack survivor

An anti-hysterical tale of one guy`s ordeal of the liverpool street tube bombing.

This is worth reading

On the moon

From the makers of Weebl and Bob comes some more cartoons, these based on some odd characters that inhabit the moon.

have a giggle here :-

Part One

Friday, July 22, 2005






harsh, many a good night to be had there. end of an era i s`pose

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Abstract Website Du Jour

The Non Exciting, Non adventures of....


and Chewie gets all the best lines

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Google Earth Update

Just to update you Google Earth`ers

I found this forum Google Earth Community

Now these guys take it to another level altogether.

If your after links to the seven great wonders of the world. then browse this and download from the blue link ' open placemark'

Also ( and this is the next level shit ), if you want to see, and i quote " a MAN throwing STICK to DOG --highest resolution!" you can also find it within these forums.

Apparently the man ( and dog )in question have been identified.

oh what the hell have this link on me.

Stop the press, Citixen ( of ninjatune forum fame ), has put together a database of google earth locations, for you to add to or take from, in easy copy and paste format and that can be found here

Google Moon

What can i say ?

you can zoom right in to check out the actual moon surface.

Google moon

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Robbie Williams to release reggae album !

Oh yes my friends. After 'mastering' Numanesque electro-pop with chart topper Radio, & putting Sinatra to shame with 'Swing..', the Robster has made an album in a lilting reggae stylee.

Say those "lucky" few who've heard it, "It sounds very much like early Bob Marley."

& no, I'm not making this up.

Hope he bootpolishes his face & grows dreads to cap the illusion.

It was in the SUN so it must be true

The "You Daft Bastard Award " Goes to ..

Chicago man steals squad car to get to work

Hands down mate, you win

The David Hasslehoff Soap Dispenser

Ok . so the link went down for a bit , but guess whos back ?.

I shit you not !

also check out other Hoff related belly laughs by the freaks at
Goat People Anonymous

Monday, July 18, 2005

Danny Way jumps the great wall of China

Yeah and he makes it.

serious looking ramp too.

click for video clip

bloody nutter

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Were not afraid

There is a reason that i haven`t said anything about the recent attacks on London.

It strikes very close to home.
Even though i have been living in Canada now for quite some time, the memories of four wonderful years spent living within spitting distance from Kings Cross are still very vivid in my mind.
I used the Picadily line from Kings Cross every day,
I`ve sat on busses bound for Russel Square more times than i can remember.
My wife and i have stayed in hotels on Upper Woburn Place.



Tuesday, July 12, 2005

In the news today

The Canadian distributors of the new Harry Potter book secured a gag order preventing plot leaks after a "small number" of copies were mistakenly sold.

Read on at bbc news here

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Inane Game du Jour

Mini Golf for the mindless mouse potatoes amongst us.

Play Here

my best round so far is 32.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Todays Recipe

Electric Sausage

Watch and learn

Monday, July 04, 2005

Google earth

This is rapidly turning into my lastest addiction, bumper ball is still up there tho` .

I downloaded this the other day and have been "spying " on people ever since. One of my work mates tells me that this has been around for ages , so excuse me if its old and your already bored of it.

Its a personal version of google maps and satellite imagery of the earth , in Google earth you can put place markers on any important locations ie, your home , your work ,your nearest branch of vera burger, dogtown, the peoples republic of kitsilano, tour d`argent , south bronx , where ever really. and then zoom in to these places from space , or go on a sight seeing trip. go knock your self out.

Download Here

Army Surplus

For those of you who know me quite well, you will be aware of my penchant for combat/cargo trousers/pants.

This, i would like to point out, has nothing what so ever to do with any strange military training that you think i may have been on.
Or, for that matter, any fixation with armed combat on my behalf, which is yet to manifest itself.

They just go well with black, my favoured colour of T shirts and hoodies.
I also like having loads of pockets in which to lose my keys in.

But after seeing these garments, i can feel a necessary purchase coming on.

Fashion Tips

Quite apt on the 4th july don`tya think ? or is it chewbacca`s hippy years

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Tom Cruise tries to kill Oprah Winfrey

After relentless questioning about Scientology, Tom Cruise can not take it anymore and attacks Oprah Winfrey.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Cool illusion

If you continue to focus on the cross in the center of the image you will notice that the violet circles will soon disappear completely and you will see only the green spot (which is actually violet)

have a look here

but don`t go blaming me if you can`t see for shit after