The Art of Spam
Spamusement is a website that proudly presents "Poorly-drawn cartoons inspired by actual spam subject lines!".
Take a glimpse at some of the work entitled
"Don`t miss Neil Diamond",
or from the sublime
"Erection tests start May 27th"
to the inspired
"Swiss pharmacy"
plenty here to help you see the funny side of spam
Online file sharers 'buy more music'
Computer-literate music fans who illegally share tracks over the internet also spend four and a half times as much on digital music as those who do not, according to research published today.
read on here
Put the new " ICIGSITBOTH - In Case I Get Shot In The Back Of The Head " number in your phone
Eight out of ten people aren't carrying information that would help if they were accidentally or mistakenly shot in the back of the head.
Storing next-of-kin details in your mobile phone can assist the emergency services if you're unable to tell them who to contact .
Simply use your mobile's phone book to store the name and number of someone who should be contacted if you happen to be shot in the back of the head - but add the letters ICIGSITBOTH in front of their name.