Monday, March 28, 2005

Skull Skates

As a self confessed fair weather skater myself ( and a proud owner of a Powell "Ripper" deck ), i couldn`t really have a blog of links with out mentioning skull skates, for those in the Vancouver area you can roll your eyes now, as we are lucky enough to have the PD`s hot shop in our great town.
Their logo adorns most hoodie`d 20-30somethings backs like no other company in these parts, and its cult status is legendary world wide.

For those of us, like me, who came to the world of skating in the 80`s, riding 10*30 decks of companies like Vision, Powell and Peralta, and Santa Cruz, will be in awe of products in the little shop run by PD on west 4th.

When i first walked in to that store, i was transported back to an age of boneless ones and halfpipes, an era of the sport that was preciously innocent and devoid of complicated kick flip ollies and handrail grinds that dominate the activity these days.

As soon as our bank balance permitted, i was down their with my wallet open and ready to roll, a long summer ahead of me, due to the immigration process i was going through at that time i was unable to work, ( bummer eh ? ) and with the laid back nature of vancouver`s culture no one batted an eye as a six foot 4 englishman in his 30`s ( sans star wars helmet ) rode past carving up the tarmac down by kits beach and English bay.

A trip out to New-west` skate park was a sobering experience, faced for the first time in well over a decade and half, with the prospect of near vertical banks that towered over me and kids not even half my age skating rings round me. i found myself wondering how to explain broken fingers and knees thrown out of joint to future employers. i retreated to the shallow end of the park and amused my self while no one was looking.

any way enough of that.

Here`s some links to Skull Skates and their superb online Skate Museum with such gems ranging from Hosoi`s hammerhead decks to lonnie toft`s Crazy 8 wheelers and original skull skates dead guys and the awesome