Saturday, April 30, 2005

bad joke du jour

At Heathrow Airport today, an individual, later discovered to be a public school teacher, was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a compass, a protractor, and a graphical calculator. Authorities believe he is a member of the notorious Al-Gebra movement.
He is being charged with carrying weapons of maths instruction.

i`ll get my coat

Thursday, April 28, 2005


the google inspired image guessing game

stop rolling your eyes at the back and pay attention. you could learn something here

hmmmmmmm not really !

any way play to your hearts content Here

my top score is a whopping 369 , how about that then eh ?

This year's race-baiting ice cream product is...

.....Sweden's "Nogger Black," ice cream

have a look here

"Nogger" is apparently an existing ice cream product, an ice cream bar previously available in vanilla encased in chocolate, with a nougat center. Nogger Black substitutes toffee for the nougat and encases the vanilla ice cream in "crispy salty licorice." Which, in addition to everything else, sounds a lot less appetizing. (Northern European cuisine suffers from a regrettable impulse to make everything taste like herring.) Licorice is black, hence the dubiously entitled "Nogger Black."

Sweden's Centre Against Racism points out that the logo is rendered graffiti-style, which would seem to suggest that the association with black urban culture is deliberate. My guess is that GB Glace thought it was being "edgy" by emulating black hipsters who use the N word (but who certainly wouldn't condone its enunciation by any pale-skinned Swede). The company comes close to admitting this. "Even if the word 'black' in the logo is inspired by graffiti, we don't see anything wrong with that, nor about alluding to black culture or hip-hop," a GB Glace spokeswoman told Reuters. Not even when it's paired with a word that's one letter away from the most toxic racial epithet in the English language? "We certainly had no intention that the name, 'Nogger', would be associated with any negative word." This statement makes me want to summon a wide-eyed, rage-shaken, and magnificently dignified Sidney Poitier, circa 1966, to answer, "The word ... is Noggro!"

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Emails more damaging than cannabis

* spits tea out *

gosh !

err what if your doing both ?

any way heres the story

Check out the Pork pie

adventures of a pork pie maker

Oh Yeah

Wanna play god ?

I often do .

Here`s the next best thing. Traffic Control 2.

In this nifty little game you control the traffic lights in a small but perfectly formed town. you score points every time a vehicle crosses the town, its that simple .( which makes it ideal for some thing slightly taxing to do when your baked )

Monday, April 25, 2005

Surreal Website

one of the funniest and most surreal pages i`ve seen for a bit .

Thursday, April 21, 2005

In the Chicago Tribune

Virgin mary spotted in chicago by religous freaks

" Obdulia Delgado turned toward the on ramp of the Kennedy Expressway when she saw something in the middle of traffic that made her stop."

read on

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Ferrari Formula 1 Team change

The Ferrari Formula 1 Team fired their entire pit crew yesterday.
The announcement followed Ferrari's decision to take advantage of the UK Government's Youth Opportunity scheme and employ people from Glasgow.

The decision to hire them was brought on by a recent documentary on how unemployed youths from the Glasgow area were able to remove a set of wheels in less than 6 seconds without proper equipment, whereas Ferrari's existing crew can only do it in 8 seconds with millions of euros worth of high tech equipment.

Tony Blair went on record as saying this was a bold move by the Ferrari management, which demonstrated the international recognition of the UK under New Labour.

As most races are won and lost in the pits, Ferrari now have an advantage over every team. However, Ferrari may have got more than they bargained for...At the crew's first practice session, the Glasgow pit crew successfully changed the tyres in under 6 seconds, and then within another 12 seconds they had re-sprayed, re-badged, and sold the vehicle to the McLaren team for 8 bottles of Stella, a kilo of speed and some photos of Coulthard's bird in the shower

Obiwan kenobi is at the used car dealers

this is hilarious

watch it HERE

i haven`t laughed this hard since mosh girl

Ooow if i had one of these to get to work

gee this looks pretty fast.

hmm thats an understatement

Watch a Video here

i found this restaurant review online

"My partner and I went to this restaurant last night having heard great reviews. In all, the food and service were excellent. However, there were two great exceptions that overshadowed the entire evening. Firstly, the chef decided to take out his own sodium deficiency out on my poor rack of beef ribs. There was enough encrusted salt to melt an ice rink. Secondly, and by far the worst still, we were unfortunate enough to be sat next to a table of six thirty-something professionals revellers, who thought it would be funny to scream, throw food and then draw beards and moustaches on each others faces with a burnt wine cork, impersonating horrid world dictators and Craig David. One of the revellers then catapulted himself to my table and asked if he could draw a monobrow and moustache across my face. Although I fervently refused, he went ahead anyway, and I was left looking ridiculous. I was shocked and appauled, especially when the whole restaurant including my partner (now ex.) also laughed. Yet to my astonishment, when I complained, the waitress said to me "chill out man, can't you see they're having fun". Today, I remain so shocked and upset, that I have taken a day off."

the place in question is
The Anchor & Hope
36 The Cut, London, SE1 8LP

and a link

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Mr Picasso head

Cool site where you can create your own picasso painting.

have a go here

here`s one i did

Arrest call for American Pie star

after allegedly threatening to molest a dog.

Read on

Norwegian rappers against bush

yeah it does sound a bit obscure, but " Gatas Parlament " the rappers in question have had their song " kill him now! " banned all over the globe.

check out the video HERE before it`s censored.

oh there`s english subtitles , so you can put the phase book away.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Customer Reviews

One of the funniest reviews i`ve read, and what an album to choose.

must be the best laff of the day

For all you lazy bastards

That couldn`t be arsed to run the London marathon last weekend, its ok you can buy one of
and blag it !

Derail`s off message mix

This is one of my favourite mixes gathered from the depths of the web.

Repleat with samples from Monty Pythons "the meaning of life", Cornelius` " Typewriter Lesson " and Hell Interface`s fabulous "The Story of Xentrix".

tracklist is as follows :-

00:00 DJ Food - Inosan
03:00 DJ Krush - Kemuri
04:55 Edan - Just Listen
06:30 Up, Bustle and Out - Revolutionary Woman of the Windmill Part 1 (Low Profile Mix)
08:15 DJ Shadow - The Number Song (Cut Chemist Remix)
10:25 Serge Gainsbourg - Requiem Pour Un C...
12:18 Kaminsky Experience - Discovery / Hell Interface - The Story of Xentrix
13:22 DJ Hype - Dead A's / Roots Manuva and Chali 2na - Join The Dots (acapella) / Kettel - Centrecourt
16:53 Marlena Shaw - California Soul
18:24 Squarepusher - Curve 1
19:10 Sage Francis and Danger Mouse - Garden Gnomes
21:36 Mike Ladd - No.1 st.
23:02 DJ Vadim and Moshun Man - The Terrorist (acapella) / Prefuse 73 - Eve of Dextruxt
26:14 Blockhead - Insomniac Olympics / Mos Def - Mathematics (acapella)
29:47 Killer Tracks - Fire and Incense Breaks / Sabres of Paradise - Planet D (Portishead Remix) / Sean Gullette & Clint Mansell - Excerpts from the Motion Picture Pi
32:05 Req - Love Ache
32:32 Cornelius - Typewriter Lesson / Up, Bustle and Out - Revolutionary Woman of the Windmill Part 1 (Subterfuge Mix)
35:43 Psychedelic Scratch Bastards - Dirt Breaks Vol. 1 / Missy 'Misdemeanour' Elliott - The Rain
37:58 DJ Food - Bass City Roller
39:05 Cody Chesnutt - Serve This Royalty
42:50 Jimi Tenor - Hypnotic Drugstore
44:43 The Twilight Singers - Clyde
47:30 Cassetteboy - God Bless America / Chris Bowden - Hero
51:23 Nuyorican Soul - I Am The Black Gold of the Sun (4 Hero Remix)
53:35 Klute - We Believe / 4 Hero - Planetaria (Theme from a Dream)
56:07 Nitin Sawnhey - Breathing Light
59:19 Lamb - Gorecki (Global Communications Remix)
61:12 Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
63:52 Dennis Coffey and the Detroit Guitar Band - A Whole Lot Of Love
64:33 Lalo Schiffrin - Sampans
65:49 The Avalanches - Etoh
67:07 Dual Tone - Dub Radiation
69:23 Kruder & Dorfmeister - Shakatakadoodub
72:01 Hab - Pan (Journeyman Remix)
74:55 Mogwai - Two Rights Make One Wrong

download here and enjoy

this is a fascinating site with captivating images of 'graffiti' in the simplest sense of the word.
From the banal to the thought provoking.

quite brilliant


bewarned schoolkids are not allowed in, as this site contains some swear words.

Friday, April 15, 2005


"It's better than a boat. It's better than a jet ski. Now you can fly above the water on the AquaSkipper!" or so they say.

read all about it here


watch a video of it in action here kinda funny when the guy bails at the end

The state of Idaho Passes the " dynamite " bill !

this apparently is for real and kinda crazy, in an Napoleon Dynamite way.

have a look for yourself HERE

Thursday, April 14, 2005

RJD2 - 1976 Video

It's unusual use of composited still images ( photographs taken in Cuba, circa 1970s ) to create strangley three-dimensional scenes that shift and reform while you watch.

Watch Here

Darth Vader Voice Changer Mask


must resist........ childish toys .....must resist

Todays abstract website is.....

"I don't think Wisconsin should become known as a state where we shoot cats," said Doyle, a Democrat who neither hunts nor owns a cat.

The Worlds First inflatable pub

better belive it
check the website

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Tyson the Skateboarding Dog

this poooch is amazing.

take a look at the new footage here

and the slowmo skills here

Junior Delgado passes on

the Jamaican roots singer dies

read on here

Lewd Tintin shocks Belgium

"Belgian police have seized a cache of forgeries of a Tintin adventure book depicting the cartoon hero and his dog Snowy on a "sex holiday" in Bangkok."

Read on Here

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Molson Canadian

It's what to drink when you're chasing beaver.

watch this .

The Nutz

London punk sensation "the Nutz".
Watch the Video for their debut single.


Sheep dog incident

country sports will never be the same, have a look at this

Photo du jour

Monday, April 11, 2005

Gordon Ramsey`s new show

Image hosted by

We are informed that this show will be scheduled as a prime time Channel 4 show, in the uk .but is still at the pilot stage so it may never get aired !

i heard this from an insider who saw the pilot being filmed

" Now i know Gordon's expresses himself colourfully but he really is evolving into an interesting form of tourettes. Also in the space of the first hour he managed to fit in slagging off delia smith, gary rhodes, jamie oliver very bad idea with his current popularity, AWT fair play and also Tony Blair and Prince Charles and a few members of the audience.

Anyway what is this show about? Well the best way i can describe it is the bastard child of Ready,Steady, Cook and Top Gear??!!

The ready steady cook part is meant to be the main premise of the show
basically a team of amatuer cooks challenge GR to a cook off using the same ingredients so kinda like chef v britain but with a team. The challenging team where 5 fishmongers from billingsgate and they were making a starter of scallops and squid and a main of lobster , monkfish and scallops.
GR picks 3 random people from the audience to help him and for this program they resurrected a plonker from GR previous show Kitchen nightmares
yes its Tim Gray from Bonaparte's.
They have picked 12 audience tasters to be judges and they choose them on their ability to pass a taste identification test tripe, oyster, lamb. Fair enough but they have to film and show 4 jade goody-a-likes spitting out there food and proclaiming its mingeing innit!!

well here comes the big problem
the top gear side of the program.
There are three presenters on this program GR himself, food critic Giles Coren and some eye candy called olivia.
They do reports on "interesting foods" like Giles Coren goes in search of a banned sardinian cheese called Casu Marzu which is basically cheese fed maggot excrement! i kid you not
oh and they eat it maggots and all.

next? Horse Milk? fair enough but then they state that horse milk is the closest milk to human breast milk and then decided to see if it was true at which point they locate a lactating memeber of the audience then take her back stage and milk her !!! Then they invite Nancy Lam to come on stage and do a taste comparison between the horse and human milk!!!!

next they bring out a load of foods with daft names like fanny fish, homo milk, cock soup etc and ask question like Gordon do you get a hard on when you are in the kitchen?

Next they wheel out jodie kidd for a chat show interview about her food habits and naturally make fun of the fact that a model is talking about food.
what else? oh you know on top gear they have the celebrity in a reasonably priced car
Well GR's got his own version called the Ivy League were basically he calls up top restaurant like the Ivy, Nobu, Sketch and asks for a last minute table. When they say no he informs them that its a booking for jodie kidd and see if they can fit her in and then he slowly ask for more and more ridiculous demands like a longer table for jodie kidds legs, jodie fav dish cauliflower cheese, a table next to beautiful people and not ugly people!! and each time he gets a yes the celebrity gets points.

Its all very purile and there just seems to have no flow or continuity. The humour is crude and the cook off just seems to be backdrop like you really don't see GR cooking much just marshalling his troops. And in fact GR doesn't seem to be paying much interest in anything except the cooking and in fact its Giles Coren that seems to come out as the focus of the program.

By this time its about 9.30pm and they are into there 3rd break and i would say 10 people left during the second break and on the third break i decided to leave with my friends and a good 70 members of the audience!!

Whoever came up , scripted and produced this show should be shot !!!
it is such a badly thought out and executed concept.
There is no way that this show will ever be broadcasted in its current state its just too bity and choppy.

So very unimpressed
btw the F word is Food "

Skateboard Basketball

Leonard Nimoy - bilbo baggins. ( THE VIDEO )

oh boy. this is just wrong. download here, you`ll regret it later.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

pho bich nga

this restaurant is a cult in vancouver.

all for the wrong reasons i`m sure

Image hosted by

Monday, April 04, 2005

Right Freaks We are on holiday

i`ll be back in a week .

i`ll leave you with this for the time being.

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Road rage cards

Handy cards to show other road users exactly what you thing of them, their driving and their mother.

road rage cards

Internet dictionary part 1

bumhat : bumm-hatt
1 Foodstuff . A bumhat is made by warming bread until the outside goes crispy, then adding a topping, such as butter, jam or even cheese : Mmmm. Breakfast time, I'm going to have a cheesy bumhat.
2 Acronym derived from the full name of the above foodstuff : Bread Under Mild Heat And Toppings

Corey Martinez BMX video

this is very good.

have a look

Plane leaking fuel

"Holidaymakers who watched "gallons" of fuel gushing out from the wing of their plane as it prepared to take off have told how fellow passengers were preparing to storm the cabin if the flight was not halted."

Read on here

The Old Negro Space Program

In 1957 or '58, a group of unknown men had a dream that mere mortals would dare think possible. This extraordinary film is a tribute to the courage of the Old Negro Space Program... or Blackstronauts, if you will.

In 2004, this won the Best Film Award at the First Sundays Film Festival. It was also an official selection at the HBO Aspen Comedy Festival and the Calgary International Film Festival.

Heres the link

Sunday, April 03, 2005


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Saturday, April 02, 2005

Wrong Tom`s reggae mashup

This short mix is one of the best i have heard for a long time.
Outstanding dub, some serious studio tweaks too.
I got this on a yousendit link so grab it while its hot. download it here
It should be good for a week or so, email me if its run out and i`ll post it again, email link in profile .

Gotta love this

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Mixing People

thought this was kinda funny
have a look see if you do too

click here

Friday, April 01, 2005

what do you prefer ?

What would your preference be?

ganja lift


disco lift