Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Public Enemy

Arn`t Public Enemy wonderful.
(oh yes they are ),

Well i`m a big fan anyway
I remember first hearing PE in a record shop circa 1987 , the delightfully entitled " my uzi weights a ton ".
and my very first gig that i went to was one of their`s a year later.

These days i would like to do a tribute act in the style of a Las Vagas lounge crooner , singing some of Chuck D`s more famous works like :- anti nigger machine , burn holywood burn , and night of the living bassheads.
i would be available for christnings and bar mitzvahs .

Or maybe i should open a bakery, i would call it " welcome to the terra dome "

Any way

Some guy has done a tribute website the some rare / live mp3`s for your downloading pleasure

Have a look here