Thursday, March 31, 2005

Would you call 9/11 over a wrong cheeseburger ?

well this idiot did, have a listen .

Why can`t i comb my hairy balls ?

any one else found themselves asking this question ?

well click here to get your answer from someone cleverer than me.

Need someone to talk at you ?

well you might ? i dont know what fry`s your bacon .

any way if you do click here , pick your person, pick a langauge, and type stuff.

Office Throw

stupidly addictive time waster game

if you get bored at work

Yes i do have a healthy star wars fixation

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Chain reaction cascade game

Clicking on a little tile rotates it 90 degrees.
If the edges match up with their neighbours it
starts that tile moving too. The aim is to get as
long a lasting chain reaction of movement as
click here to play
its kinda fascinating in its own way, i got
a score of 1834 after a few goes. and when you
get a big reaction going its kinda cool to just
sit back and watch it happen.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Total eclipse of the heart

Any one remember this song by bonnie tyler?
no ?
well it was an oldie, but anyway, a group of weirdoes have remade the lamenting, classic 80`s ballad, to accompany the singer / guitarist is a couple of his mates in ill-fitting tracksuits hitting fridges and ovens

the madness with uncomprehending
disbelief here

And staying with the kitchen appliance theme

Our phones play MP3s, and take photo`s,
our monitors have speakers,
our cameras even play Doom. When will the
madness end? Clearly not with this "internet
enabled microwave." i kid you not.

Maybe it should have a webcam and a website
which you can log on to, and see what everyone
else with an internet microwave is warming up
at the same time.
That would be ace.
However it doesn't, it's just a crap gimmick

What ever next ?

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I wanna box that flies

Big Mac Rap

"Rap artists are accustomed to name-checking prestige car, clothing and jewellery brands in their lyrics. But if McDonald's has its way Snoop Dogg, Jay-Z and 50 Cent may soon be giving it up for the humble beefburger."click here to read more

Monday, March 28, 2005

Skull Skates

As a self confessed fair weather skater myself ( and a proud owner of a Powell "Ripper" deck ), i couldn`t really have a blog of links with out mentioning skull skates, for those in the Vancouver area you can roll your eyes now, as we are lucky enough to have the PD`s hot shop in our great town.
Their logo adorns most hoodie`d 20-30somethings backs like no other company in these parts, and its cult status is legendary world wide.

For those of us, like me, who came to the world of skating in the 80`s, riding 10*30 decks of companies like Vision, Powell and Peralta, and Santa Cruz, will be in awe of products in the little shop run by PD on west 4th.

When i first walked in to that store, i was transported back to an age of boneless ones and halfpipes, an era of the sport that was preciously innocent and devoid of complicated kick flip ollies and handrail grinds that dominate the activity these days.

As soon as our bank balance permitted, i was down their with my wallet open and ready to roll, a long summer ahead of me, due to the immigration process i was going through at that time i was unable to work, ( bummer eh ? ) and with the laid back nature of vancouver`s culture no one batted an eye as a six foot 4 englishman in his 30`s ( sans star wars helmet ) rode past carving up the tarmac down by kits beach and English bay.

A trip out to New-west` skate park was a sobering experience, faced for the first time in well over a decade and half, with the prospect of near vertical banks that towered over me and kids not even half my age skating rings round me. i found myself wondering how to explain broken fingers and knees thrown out of joint to future employers. i retreated to the shallow end of the park and amused my self while no one was looking.

any way enough of that.

Here`s some links to Skull Skates and their superb online Skate Museum with such gems ranging from Hosoi`s hammerhead decks to lonnie toft`s Crazy 8 wheelers and original skull skates dead guys and the awesome

Florida B-Boys

The Hip Hop Collective is a University of Florida student organization.

and they get kinda deep with it too

"Our intentions are to preserve Hip Hop culture and contribute to its local and national growth. We are committed to enriching the
culture by encouraging positive uplifting philosophies, respectful relationships, and meritable teachings."

all well and good but y`all jus` wanna see the power moves anyhow, these guys put on the Soul Cypher show every now and then, and the art lives on

Wacky Machines

Have a look at some of these Crazy machines.
You need an example of a eccentric englishman with too much time on his (skilled ?)hands ?.
Look no further people.

my favourites rent-a-dog and security machines

ta very much Pete Johnson

When white bwoys get hold of hip hop strange things happen

The ever changing face of hip hop culture bring`s to you the phenomenon of the white bwoy
shirt and tie Air dj

the finger puppet dj

and the Beatbox harmonica

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Vij`s Rangoli

Just been HERE for a quick bite to eat with wifee, and right nice it was too.

i had the lamb masala curry, the room is kinda funky, the vibe casual, and the prices are very reasonable, if you aint been, go next time your in that `hood .

am i alone in thinking lamb is the perfect medium for spices of the aromatic nature ?
some of the ingredients i found in my dinner are some of the most underrated and under used in restaurant kitchens, but in the right hands can come to a conclusion greater than the sum of there parts. ie :- lamb stewing meat, rice, cumin and coriander, lentils and cauliflower, hardly a role call of luxury. but elevated from their earthy roots in their mindful combination.

rangoli is a populist offshoot of, and next door to the renowned
Vij`s.which kinda speeks for its self.

vij is also branching out in to the land of retail with his line of fridge cabinet meals to heat up at home.

he is the man in my book.

ps wonderful to see you again emily, and nice to meet you steve

Zookeeper game

crazy game , very similar to bejeweled. with a qurky animal slant.

click here to play

Trans Fatty Acid Molecule

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crazy eh !

Johnny and the clown joke


lol :)

Clocky, the self hiding alarm clock for freaks like me

yeah you betcha i need one of these bad boys every morning check it out .

Eskmo - Downtempo mix

download here

heavy weight downtempo mix, for all you who like those morning after vibes,

track list :-

INTRO: Aphex Twin -- Ruglen Holon -- Sire
Material -- The Western Lands -- BMI
Amon Tobin -- Mighty Micro People -- Ninja Tune
Fourtet -- Hands -- Domino
Dj Wally -- The 29th Day -- Agriculture
Amon Tobin -- El Wraith -- Ninja Tune
Aphex Twin -- Pancake Lizard (Donkey Rhubarb EP) -- Warp
Gentle People -- Journey (Aphex Remix) -- Warp
Fourtet -- Unspoken -- Domino
Amon Tobin -- Slowly -- Ninja Tune
Squarepusher --Time Bord -- Nothing
D Wally -- Starship -- Agriculture
Amon Tobin -- Rosies -- Ninja Tune
Dj Shadow -- Mongrel -- MCA
Squarepusher -- Exploding Psychology -- Warp
Prodigy -- Weather Experience -- XL
Amon Tobin -- Verbal : (Boom Bip remix) -- Ninja Tune
Mike & Rich -- Eggy Toast -- Rephlex
Recoil -- Electro Blues for Bukka White : ( Rekall remix)
Leftfield -- El cid -- Sony
OUTRO: Aphex Twin -- Ruglen Holon -- Sire

glory to currently digging

And you wonder why `merica has social problems

BoingBoing article

this is kinda scary, the `merican education system will surely breed ignorance.

Greg J simmer down mix

click here for down load

nice mix of old skool hip hop and breaks and`ting, if thats your bag grab it while the link is hot .

can get a track list to any one who wants it .

peace out

glory be to Currently Digging for this one.

I Find your lack of face disturbing princess

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you`ve gotta love photoshop eh ?


the bloody yanks are stealing the OFFICE, damn cheek. tsk, tsk

Chihuahua adopts chick

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Octopuses occasionally stroll around on two arms

Don`t believe me click here

and for all those smart alec`s out there who think it should be octopi read it and weep `cos i know my grammer aint great, and my punctuation is pretty terrible too , and the spelling could be better, but hay ! thats what is for. right ?

what the hell is this russian politian doing ?

kissy kissy

and those sunglasses are kinda creepy too

Joke du jour

Doctor Dave had slept with one of his patients and felt guilty all day
long. No matter how much he tried to forget about it, he couldn't. The
guilt and sense of betrayal was overwhelming. But every once in a while
he'd hear an internal, reassuring voice that said: "Dave, don't worry
about it. You aren't the first doctor to sleep with one of their
patients and you won't be the last. And you're single. Just Let it go".
But invariably the other voice would bring him back to reality,
whispering.... ...

... ... "Dave, you're a vet"

( "cheers hippo, keep `em coming" tfa )

It's a sexy prosthetic lady foot

with a handy fake vagina in the heel.


i`m just left asking why ?

why ?
why ?
why ?
i dont understand

why ?

In the news today

man with two penises loses wife

A German who persuaded doctors to give him a second penis has lost his wife after he showed her the result.

oh boy, oh boy

Lo FI `s Trip

a short film Lo FI shot while traveling australia and japan, the soundtrack is now finished and is ready for DOWNLOADnow .

sit back, roll a fatty :) and, err, well, i, errr would say enjoy but its kinda spooky,

Joyful mispronounciation-based South African leader song

you know those catchy little songs that will stick in your head for days on end, well here`s another one for that file.

singalong linkage

Heathrow announcements


too funny .

glory to this one goes to henchman for sending it to me.

nice one

Easter egg rip off remedy recipe


skills. should we hire the dude ?

If this left brain / right brain test don`t make you schizophrenic nothing will

Friday, March 25, 2005

" Fives " emailed me this

the other day and i all ways like to refer to the queen as liz . 

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she looks good bless her

Well tonight its all about skeletons

yes indeedy , i`m just in the mood for some sketetons tonight.

if you aint seen this game before , have a go ! . its one of those lo tech games that just requires some mouse action on your behalf , and a little brain power , but not too much .

i like these games :)

The freaks come out just in time for easter

Christian Ministries run a science
fair that teaches kids to disprove evolutionism
with such rigorous experiments as 'My Uncle Is
A Man Named Steve And Not A Monkey' and through
making a scale Noah's Ark full of gerbils. It's
almost too idiotic to be true - or is it?

these dudes got issues !


Thursday, March 24, 2005

well gee people

its started goddamnit ,

watch this space